Who We Are and What We Do

The full name of the committee is: 
West Columbia Community Advisory Committee (WCCAC)

The WCCAC is a non-profit charitable corporationn duly organized under the laws of the State of South Carolina and shall provide an organized framework to promote, preserve, and enhance the quality of life and values in the communities of the City of West Columbia, including all 8 City Council Districts.

The objectives and purpose of the WCCAC shall be carried out by:

1.  creating, promoting, and preserving a safe environment 24 hours a day.
2.  encouraging the neighborhoods and businesses to become involved with community affairs,
3.  extending opportunities to residents, landowners, entrepreneurs, and other intereseted parties through education about neighborhood and community affairs and local topics of immediate interest,
4.  having an effective, unified voice to address issues that impact the       communities,
5.  promoting a sense of pride and identity among the residents, business owners and other public and private entities with in the districts,
6.  establishing a direct line of communication with the City of West Columbia's Mayor, City Council Members, and the West Columbia Police Department,
7.  providing a forum for resolving community concerns, and
8.  assuring, tot the extent possible, representation from such segments of the community as education, helath services, law enforcement, businesses, religious organizations, and others representing the make up of the community.

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